
All assignments will be posted, submitted, and graded through GitHub Classrooms.

Assignment schedule

Assignment # Assigned Due date
1 2023-10-03 2023-10-14
2 2023-10-17 2023-10-28
3 2023-10-31 2023-11-18
4 2023-11-21 2023-12-09
final 2023-11-14 2023-12-15

Final assignment

Assignment expectations and grading

The rubric for each assignment will be provided when it is assigned so you know what to prioritize. You make work with up to 2 classmates, but must list your collaborators’ names on your assignment. You are encouraged to collaborate on code, but must respond to conceptual questions individually. All assignment dates will be posted in advance. Late assignments will receive 10% deduction per day, up to a maximum of 3 days. You may request a 48-hour extension if extenuating circumstances arise.

Information on grading can be found here or outlined below.

Core grading principles

Each assignment will provide specific details of the point breakdowns per question. However, we will follow the general principles below for all assignments.

Code must run

Show your answer and thought process

Answer for yourself

Submit assignments through GitHub Classrooms

Assignment rubric

In addition to the core principles outlined above, each assignment will be scored for its adherence to the following coding best practices. The maximum deduction for assignments which meet all the core principles but do not follow best practices (“worst case” below) will be 20 points for the assignment. Partial deductions will be given for assignments in between the “best case” and “worst case”.

Best case [no deductions]

Worst case [maximum 20 point deduction]

Answer keys